Science book review: Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Neil DeGrasse Tyson is a celebrity scientist with a lot of experience sharing his love of science with the world. He makes frequent appearances on late-night talk shows. He partnered with Seth MacFarlane to reboot Carl Sagan's famed TV series Cosmos, which will premiere a new season in the spring of 2019. For more than 20 years he's been the director of the Hayden Planetarium at the New York Museum of Natural History. And he's authored a stack of books on science topics.
Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, released in 2017, is his shortest work, and also his most approachable. This brief book is, as the title suggests, designed to give a brief overview of astrophysics as we know it today, and how it impacts our busy lives. DeGrasse's personality as a friendly, neighbor-next-door (who also happens to be a genius scientist) comes through on the pages as he explains both the history and mystery of science and astrophysics. He explains complex topics in a conversational and logical manner, making the book accessible for everyone. He's also got a solid sense of humor, and is perfectly willing to explain some of the conundrums facing scientists.
The book is full of fascinating tidbits of information that the reader can tuck away for emergency use at dinner parties or family gatherings when conversations range into dangerous territory. The phrase "I read the most fascinating book about astrophysics," along with a few sprinkled anecdotes from the book, can both steer conversations away from politics, gossip, or other taboo territory and make the speaker sound even more intelligent and interesting than they surely already are.
Buy this book (or check it out at the library) for anyone even remotely interested in the way the universe works. While he can't really answer the meaning of life, Neil DeGrass Tyson offers up some answers and a touch of philosophy for all those who've looked up at the stars and wondered what it all means.
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