Son of the Mob by Gordan Korman

Vince DeLuca is the 17 year-old son of the New York crime boss and mafia don Tommy DeLuca.  But Vince wants nothing to do with the family business because it gets in the way of his life.  When Vince gets a girl to agree to go to the beach to make out, he finds the blanket he packed in the trunk wrapped around a body-- which ends that relationship.  He can't even play football because he realizes the opposing team is afraid to tackle him for fear his dad will have them whacked.  However, despite his desire to stay out of the family business, Vince can't help but stick up for some of the people his uncles are putting pressure on.  To make matters more complicated, Vince realizes the girl he's starting to date is the daughter of the FBI agent who is trying to put his dad behind bars-- agent BiteMe.  The story is told in the first person, and like most Gordon Korman stories, is full of laughs and is a very enjoyable read.  However, like other Gordon Korman stories (most notably Born to Rock), the narrative touches the surface of a number of issues but goes no deeper.


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